Books on Amazon

Sculptling Books On Amazon

List of Softcover Children Books on Amazon!

The Sporty Little Penguin Series

Joe the Snowboarder

For Ages 3-7

Joe the Snowboarder is a positive children’s book about perseverance. This optimistic penguin teaches kids how you can overcome any challenge with a positive perspective. It’s okay to fall or make a mistake, because when you keep trying you learn just what it takes.  

Joe reaches his goal because he is determined and has a positive attitude. His encouraging message is not to give up and to keep trying until you succeed. 

Peter the Skier

For Ages 4-7

Peter the Skier teaches kids how our attitude effects our outcome. This boastful little penguin learns how to handle being disappointed. A bad mood and negative thinking create a feeling of hopelessness. When good things happen for Peter, he becomes over confident and quickly learns how showing off can lead to embarrassing situations.

Peter changes his attitude when he skis better than before. Peter learns how his mood and thoughts effect his actions.

Porter the Longboarder

For Ages 5-7

Porter the Longboarder teaches the value of camaraderie. 

Taking advice isn’t always easy to do. Sometimes we refuse to listen to others. And we end up learning the hard way. When Porters friends realizes that a little advice can go along way, they end up reaching their goal a lot quicker. 

Kids learn how rewarding it feels to inspire others through Porters selfless act of kindness.

Shawn the Shortboarder

For Ages 7-9

3rd Grade Level


(Uses Metaphors)

For Advanced Reading Comprehension

Shawn the Shortboarder is a children’s book full of positive quotes. 

This little surfer uses metaphors with an inspiring message with a positive perspective on life. He explains what to do when a problem or challenge comes at you like a “wave”.

Shawn the Shortboarder book helps kids to have a positive mind set about their daily challenges and circumstances in their life in a cute humorous way, while teaching them poetry and metaphors.

Patty the Paddleboarder

For Ages 3-7

Ocean Conservation Book

Patty the Paddleboarder is a children’s book about environmental conservation and pollution. This little conservationist reminds us to protect our environment when she realizes how polluted the water is and she sees what it is doing to the marine life. 

Patty ends up trying to help preserve our planet by coming-up with a solution. An inspiring message for young readers.

Slater the Skater

For Ages 5-7

Slater the Skater’s encouraging message is about learning to make good choices. This little skater teaches kids to think before they act. Slater makes a new friend and teaches him to skate. But he decides to show off and takes his friend to a place where he knew was wrong. He learns a valuable lesson when he is held responsible for getting his friend into trouble. Slater learns how important it is to set a good example and he becomes a good role model for others to follow. 

The Salty Sea Series

Octy the Salty Octopus

For Ages 3-7

Ocean Conservation Book

Octy the Salty Octopus is an Ocean Conservation Book for children.

This greedy little octopus teaches kids to be respect the Marine life and its environment. 

When Octy steals a shell and finds himself in a jam he learns how everything in the ocean gets recycled. He learns his lesson and realizes that it feels better when he shares his treasures with his friends. 

Scotty the Sea Turtle

For Ages 3-7

Ocean Saftey Book

Scotty the Salty Sea Turtle is an Ocean Conservation children’s book on Ocean Saftey. An educational book on taking safety precautions. Scotty teaches kids to be aware of their surroundings.

A great resource to help parents talk about the ocean and what to look out for. Kids learn why it is important to swim with a buddy. There are a lot of lessons to be learned with Scotty the Salty Sea Turtle.

Jay the Salty Stingray

For Ages 3-7

Ocean Conservation Book

Jay the Salty Stingray is an environmentally friendly children’s book on conservation and pollution. The valuable lesson that Jay teaches kids is how pollution is effecting the marine life and the environement. He shows his emotions when he sees what pollution is doing to his friends. Jay teaches kids that the importance of keeping the ground and ocean free of trash.

The Musical Squirrels Series



Gus the Guitarist

For Ages 7-10

For Beginner Musicians 

 (Teaches Music Theory)

Gus the Guitarist is a Fun Music Theory Book For Kids. While Gus teaches his friend Chase how to play the bass, he explains the difference between a guitar and a bass.  He teaches the notes and the strings in-between, and he teaches math in the process of teaching the scales. Gus makes it easy to see the similarities of the notes and the steps between the instruments by comparing the guitar to a piano. This Musical Squirrel book is great way for beginner musicians to learn about playing music.

Lee the Ukulele Player

For Ages 3-7

Music Book

Lee the ukulele player’s message is about how being a team player is an important role in making music. When Lee gets asked to play in a band he starts practicing. Lee encourages the players to stay focused, to listen and to pay attention to everyone playing around them. Lee helps a band member who has a hard time with participating and shows him how much fun it is when everyone plays together nicely.

Jimmy the Drummer

For Ages 3-7

Music Book

children’s educational Music Book about the positive affect of music.

Jimmy the Drummer teaches kids about keeping time and being able to play one beat together. You can really have fun with your kids when you are ready this book with them.

As Jimmy and his friends are playing their drums they attract more squirrels who want to join in. Jimmy decides to create a drum circle. He encourages the others to join in by using objects around them to make a beat and to add a different sound. Before long they are tapping their feet and clapping their hands. Music brings these little squirrels together and they enjoy make new friends.


Chase the Bass Player

For Ages 5-7

Music Book

Chase the Bass Player is an inspirational children’s book on learning how to deal with your emotions. When learning a new skill it can be an emotional experience. Chase the Bass Player is a positive uplifting book for kids who get upset easily. This little squirrel teaches kids how to deal with disappointments, such as forgetting. Learning to deal with getting frustrated is a skill that kids need to overcome and it is a big part of being a musician.

Bo the Banjo Player

For Ages 5-7

Music Book

Bo the Banjo Player’s message is about learning where happiness comes from. In this music story the band become well known. Bo thinks that playing on the road with the band will be fun and make him happy. But when he realizes that fame and fortune is not what it seems, he and the band becomes sad. In this cute Musical Squirrel’s Story Bo and his band learn a lesson on where happiness comes from.



The Mischievous Mice Series

Pete the Sweet Mouse

For Ages 3-7

Christmas Story

Pete the Sweet Mouse isn’t so sweet. This Christmas story is about mischievous behaviors. Pete gets put on the naughty list when Santa Claus catches Pete stealing cookies. He learns that good behavior gets rewarded and that there is a consequence for bad behavior. Kids learn a valuable lesson from this mischievous little mouse.

Freddy the Fruity Mouse

For Ages 4-8

Christmas Story

 Freddy the Fruity Mouse loves to joke around. But he keeps getting into trouble because of the messes he makes when he tries to be funny. Freddy gets distracted easily, forgets what he is doing and makes a big mess. Santa Claus teaches Freddy how to be funny and Freddy makes Santa Claus laugh with his joke.

Kent the Manipulative Mouse

For Ages 4-8

Christmas Story

Kent the Manipulative Mouse is about a little mouse who is impatient. He tends to break what he touches. He is manipulative and lies to get out of trouble. Santa Claus warns Kent about his behavior and tells him to behave. Santa tells Kent to practice patience. This little mouse learns to think before he acts and learns self-control in the process.

Kent’s positive message is about how good it feels to get rewarded for good behavior and what it takes to make good decisions.

Robby the Naughty Mouse

For Ages 4-8

Christmas Story

Robby the Naughty Mouse is always getting into trouble. When Robby gets picked on by other mice, he looses his temper and he reacts by fighting. Santa Claus gives Robby coal for fighting and warns Robby that he needs to control his actions.

This little mouse learns an important lesson on how to stand up for himself and others without fighting. Robby’s positive message is about learning to control a temper and not react by using self-control.

The Professional Chickens Series

Brad the Graduate

For Ages 5-7

Educational Book

Brad the Graduate is a teacher who encourages a young student to enjoy school and to do well. He shares lessons that he learned when he was in school. Kids learn the importance of eating a good breakfast before school and why we need to get a good night sleep. He also warns kids about distractions in school.

Brad’s positive message is about the efforts that you make. If you work hard, it will help you to succeed.

Arthur the Farmer

Story Time For Ages 3-9

Educational Book that uses Metaphors 

Educational Book for 3rd Grade and Up

Arthur the Farmer is a encouraging children’s book with a positive message about why we treat others the way we would want to be treated.  Metaphors are used to give a different perspective on how Arthur spreads his kindness. Arthur makes a difference and his world becomes a better place.

Byron the Fireman

For Ages 3-7

Educational Book

Byron is a fireman that visits a school. He teaches little chickens what to do in case of a fire. This firefighter wants these little chickens to be brave in a scary situation. Byron teaches them that being a hero can be anyone who tries to help someone get out of a dangerous situation. He also explains how firefighters have courage and that is what makes them brave. 

This Professional Chicken explains what Firefighters do, what to do in case of a fire, and how rewarding it feels to help others. 

Kids learn that by helping others they are being a good role model and how they can be become a hero when they know what to do in a dangerous situation. 

Sam the Policeman

For Ages 4-7

 Sam the Policeman is a good role model, He fights crime, providing safety, and does a lot of good deeds. This Professional Chicken story is an educational children’s book on being a Police Officer.

Sam shows us how he spends his time protecting us from danger. He gives some good advice to a bunch of little chickens to not lie, cheat or steal. Sam explains what happens when you are mean to others or do bad things. He shows us how good it feels to help others and to be kind. 

Sam’s positive message is about setting a good example and making good choices in order to become a good role model.

Connor the Doctor

For Ages 3-7

Connor the Doctor represents many types of Doctors. Dr. Connor enjoys helping others. He shows how much he cares about his patients and how he loves to promote, maintain and restore your health. This professional chicken explains how rewarding it feels to be a doctor and making a difference in someone’s life. Kids learn the benefits of being a doctor and how rewarding it feels helping others.

Laurence the Lawyer

For Ages 6-8

Laurence the Lawyer demonstrates what a Lawyer does while he is defending a chicken who keeps getting into trouble. 

The little chicken gets angry easily and has trouble defending himself. Laurence gives him some advice and helps him to have more confidence in order to have self-control. This little chicken then starts to control his temper. 

Laurence teaches this little chicken how to think for himself and to make better choices. The little chicken learns how easy it is to make friends when he is using self-control.

Captain Corey and Catlin

For Ages 4-7

The Professional Chickens Series encourages kids to follow their dreams. The Sculptlings children book, “Captain Corey and Catlin” is a great bedtime story with an encouraging message about how one parent inspires his kids to dream big and gives them an experience of a lifetime.

Captain Corey and Catlin is an inspirational story on how family time together can give kids the skills and experiences that they will need to follow their dreams. And memories together that will last a lifetime.

Sherry the Pastry Chef

For Ages 4-8

Sherry is a Pastry Chef  is a funny story about a chef who loves to bake. This Professional Chicken Chef wants to create a great recipe for a contest. She spends all day baking and gets tired so goes to bed without cleaning. You can imagine what comes next!
The next morning, Sherry finds out why it is important to clean up after herself and to have a clean kitchen. She walks into a big surprise the next day.

Sherry learns an important lesson on cooking etiquette. She learns why having a clean kitchen is so important.

Roger the Construction Worker

For Ages 3-7

Roger the Construction Worker’s positive message is about teamwork. This professional chicken explains that it is important to get along with others because you can get more done when you work together rather than argue and fight. Roger struggles to keep his workers on schedule and it seems like the job is going to get delayed. What seems like an impossible task turns out great! Because with everyone getting along, the job gets done. Roger the Construction Worker is an inspirational childrens book on teamwork. An educational book that helps toddlers learn to share.

Skylit the Pilot

For Ages 4-7

Skylit the Pilot Book teaches kids that you can be in the profession that you want if you work hard at it. Skylit has a wild imagination and dreams about flying. Her friends don’t believe she can fly a plane. But this does not discourage her. Skylit has a different view about her challenges and she rises above it all to accomplish her dreams.

Skylit the Pilot’s book encourages kids to work hard at what they want to do. Sculptlings The Professional Chicken Series has an inspiring message to encourage kids to not give up on their dreams. This  story points out that when you are determined you can accomplish anything.

There is MORE TO COME!


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