Contact Us

Contact Us and let us know about your Sculptling Experience! We would love to know what you think of the books and if your child enjoyed them. Knowing the childs age helps in determining the books age and grade level as well. We want to be able to let others know what books would be appropriate for that age range. So your feedback would be grately appreciated.  

And please join us in making the world a happy more positive place for our kids by sharing the Collection. When you donate a Sculptlings book you are helping us spread the positive messages. And we would love to know that your supporting us. So please, send us a message! Stay in touch!

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Don’t forget to follow Sculptlings on social media to hear about the next upcoming collectable and our latest announcements! 
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When is the next show or event?

I will post when I schedule my next show on my Social Media Pages. If you follow me on facebook you will be notified right away! Sculptlings Facebook Page: