New Professional Chicken Book

Just Released!
Roger the Construction Worker

New Professional Chicken Book February 2022 Book Release


New Professional Chicken Book – An educational book for kids about the values of a construction worker, working together to get the job done. The book is an inspirational book about Teamwork! This Professional Chicken teaches kids that when you work together and get along, you can get things done. Roger the Construction Worker is a great resource to teach your young professional why it is important to get along with others.

New Release! 

New Professional Chicken Book

Roger the Construction Worker


It can be hard to get along with others when we are working or playing together.

And there are a lot of reasons why!


New Professional Chicken Book Pages

     Because we think differently.            And we have different opinions.  

That is why it is important that we learn to respect each other.

About New Professional Chicken Book, Roger the Construction Worker

New Professional Chicken Book, Roger the Construction Worker teaches kids that when you don’t get along with others it delays the process of accomplishing a task. Just like when we share our toys we can have more fun, playing together! 

Roger explains how sometimes we need an extra hand to two to build something. And that it is okay to ask for help! Kids learn that working together is called Teamwork. And it feels good to be part of a team. 

Roger the Construction Worker’s story teaches kids that in every job that needs to get done, there is a someone in charge. Everyone who is working together has a different responsibility. We each get a different task. And that is why we need to respect one another and work together. That is how the job can get done fast!

The Professional Chickens Series encourages kids to be a Good Leader!

These professional chickens teach important lessons on why it is important to work together. They encourage kids to help each other. Kids learn why it is important to be a good role model. This will help them with leadership skills. Learning from one another can be fun. And you also learn better when you teach someone! 

The Professional Chickens explains what each profession does and why someone might want to be in that line of work. It teaches the skills that are needed to do that job. Kids grow up quickly and it is never too early to start thinking about your future and what you want to be when you grow up.

The new Professional Chicken Book, Roger the Construction Worker is a great resource for young kids to learn why it is important to get along with others. When we learn to share it is an important lesson and this is how we can start working together.