Joe The Snowboarder Book


SCULPTLING BOOKS © The Sporty Little Penguins Series

Inspirational Book For Kids to Succeed. An Uplifting Book to Encourage Kids to Not Give Up. 


Joe The Snowboarder: HARDCOVER Revised Edition $19.99
Lamb, Cynthia


Joe The Snowboarder: SOFTCOVER Revised Edition $15.99
Lamb, Cynthia


Joe The Snowboarder: EBOOK Kindle Revised Edition $5.99
By Cynthia Lamb
On Amazon


***Buy the ORIGINAL 1st Edition Book on!***

About Joe the Snowboarder

Joe said, “I know I am going to fall, every now and then. But I am going to get up and try and try again!”


Joe the Snowboarder Book is an inspirational children’s book that encourages kids to not give up. Kids learn that it is okay to fall or make a mistake, because you can always get up and try again. Joe the Snowboarder teaches kids that with perseverance, you can overcome any challenge. Joe uses determination and a positive attitude to not to let disappointment stop him from reaching his goal. Joe’s encouraging message is about not giving up and to keep trying until you succeed. Kids learn that it is okay to fall down, because you can always get up and try again.

The Sporty Little Penguin Series was developed to help build confidence in children and overcome challenges. These sporty little penguins have an inspiring message about perspective, having a positive attitude and speaking encouraging words while trying to do new things. Cynthia Lamb’s books are all about staying positive through tough experiences. She wants to help kids have a fun outlook on life. Joe the Snowboarder is an uplifting book that inspires kids to keep trying.

Make it Educational

You can make Sculptling Books educational! When you cross reference these books you can compare and contrast the differences in the characters personalities and behaviors. Sculptlings Book Collection has important values in their stories that can be used in a classroom. There is a free topic and discussion download for parents and teachers located on the Activity Page on Joe the Snowboarder, along with free coloring pages for your kids to enjoy.


Topics Include:

  • Perseverance and determination
  • Staying positive
  • Not giving up
  • Having a good attitude
Weight 0.375 oz
Dimensions 8.5 × 8.5 in
Age Range

2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 6-7

Grade Level

Kindergarten, Toddlers, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade

# of Pages

36 Pages

Book Options

Hardcover Book 1st Edition, Softcover Book 1st Edition


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