Activity Pages For Kids Free Downloads

Activity Pages for Kids are listed alphabetically. 

Download the Free PDF of the Topic and Discussion Pages and Coloring Pages below!

Activity Pages are copyrighted. Shared for entertainment purposes only.

Activity Pages For Kids 

Activity Pages for Kids is a great educational resource for parents and teachers to use while reading Sculptling Books to their kids. Its a great educational resource with topic and discussion pages that gives insight to the stories and their messages. It provides ways to use the books for discussions. You can use the coloring pages for activities for the children while you are discussing important topics.

How to Utilize Sculptling Books 

Kids learn poetry, metaphors and more. You can cross reference Sculptling Books and compare the stories using the Free Acitivity Pages for Kids! The Sculptlings Collection is not only fun to read but they are educational too! You will learn how to use Sculptling Books with the Topic and Discussion Pages! 


When you start collecting your Sculptling Books you will learn how they cross over. Look for character cameo’s! It is fun for the kids to find their favorite character appear in another Sculplting Book. The collection has a lot of good humor and it is entertaining for the whole family to enjoy together.  

Compare Books

Try comparing the story Arthur the Farmer with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. 

How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Arthur the Farmer

Message about Spreading Love and Kindness

Book Topics

  • Doing Nice Things for Others
  • Showing Love and Kindness
  • Saying I am sorry
  • Showing Forgiveness
  • Treating Others with Respect
  • Being Kind to Others

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Compare Books

Try comparing the story Bo the Banjo Player with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. 

How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!


Message about Where Happiness Comes From

Book Topics

  • Having Ambitions
  • Playing in a Traveling Band
  • Where Happiness Comes From
  • Wanting what others have
  • Being Happy With Where You Are
  • Appreciating What You Have

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Compare Books

Try comparing the story Brad the Graduate with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. 

How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!


Message about Going To School

Book Topics

  • Trying your best
  • Asking Questions
  • Learning to Read
  • Avoiding Distractions
  • Making Learning Fun

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Compare Books

Try comparing the story Byron the Fireman with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. 

How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Byron the fireman

Message about What to Do Incase Of A Fire

Book Topics

  • What To Do Incase Of A Fire
  • Planning Ahead
  • What Firefighters Do

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Compare Books

Try comparing the story Captain Corey and Catlin with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. 

How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Captain Corey and Catlin

Message about Family

Book Topics

  • How Family Supports Each Other
  • Siblings Learning And Growing Together
  • Overcoming Challenges
  • Accomplishing Your Dreams
  • Equal Opportunities

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Compare Books

Try comparing the story Chase the Bass Player with other Sculptling Books, such as Lee the Ukulele Player and compare the 2 messages. How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!


Message about Being Discouraged and Positive Thinking 

Book Topics

  • The Importance of Practicing
  • Learning To Deal With Frustration
  • Not Letting Disappointments Discourage You
  • Learning How To Deal With Being Forgetful
  • Time Management

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Compare Books

Try comparing the story Connor the Doctor with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Connor the Doctor

Message about Different Types Of Doctors

Book Topics

  • Types of Doctors
  • What Doctors Do
  • The Joy It Brings To Help Others

Free Downloads

Compare Books

Try comparing the story Freddy The Fruity Mouse with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Freddy the Fruity Mouse

Message about Learning Limitations

Book Topics

  • Learning Limitations
  • Being Mischievous
  • Learning How To Tell Jokes and Being Funny
  • Staying Focused and Getting Distracted
  • How Accidents Happen

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Compare Books

Try comparing the story Gus the Guitarist with other Musical Squirrels in the Sculptlings Books Collection. 

What other lessons can you learn about being a musician? What other skills do you need to play music?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!


Message about Music Theory. Learning About Notes and Scales

Book Topics

  • How To Play The Guitar
  • What is a Note
  • Teaches a Scale
  • What the difference is between a Guitar and a Bass
  • 1st four Notes on each string
  • How the Piano is just like a string instrument

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Compare Books

Try comparing the story Jay the Salty Stingray with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. 

How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Jay The Salty stingray

Message about Pollution 

Book Topics

  • Pollution
  • Cause and Effect of Pollution
  • How Pollution is effecting the Marine Life
  • Recognizing Feelings: Happy, Sad and Mad

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Compare Books

Try comparing the story Jimmy the Drummer with other Sculptling Books, such as Lee the Ukulele Player and compare the 2 messages. How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Jimmy the drummer

Message about Making Music With Different Sounds. Bringing People Together Through Music

Book Topics

  • Coordination
  • Social Skills
  • Creating Sounds By Using Different Objects
  • Staying In Time
  • Creating Beats and Rhythms

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Compare Books

Try comparing the story Joe the Snowboarder with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. 

How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Joe the snowboarder

Message about Not Giving Up

Book Topics

  • Determination
  • Perseverance
  • Having a Positive Attitude
  • Learning New Skills

Free Downloads

Compare Books

Try comparing the story Kent the Manipulative Mouse with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. 

How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Kent the Manipulative

Message about Learning Patience and Self-control, Thinking Before Acting

Book Topics

  • Learning Self-Control
  • Encourages Having Patience
  • Thinking before Acting

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Compare Books

Try comparing the story Laurence the Lawyer with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. 

How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!


Message about Important Music Skills

Book Topics

  • Controlling Your Temper
  • Having Self-Control
  • Thinking For Yourself
  • Make Good Decisions

Free Downloads

Compare Books

Try comparing the story Lee the Ukulele Player with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. 

How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Lee the Ukulele Player

Message about Important Music Skills

Book Topics

  • Practicing
  • Social Skills
  • Learning to Listen
  • Following Directions

Free Downloads

Compare Books

Try comparing the story Octy the Salty Octopus with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. 

How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Octy the Salty Octopus

Message about Being Greed and Sharing

Book Topics

  • Recognizing Emotions and Feelings
  • Stealing
  • Being Greedy
  • Making Friends

Free Downloads

Compare Books

Try comparing the story Patty the Paddleboarder with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. 

How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Patty the Paddleboarder

Message about Ocean Conservation Topics.

Book Topics

  • About Pollution and what it is doing to our Ocean and Marine Life
  • Preserving our Planet
  • Being Proactive

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Compare Books

Try comparing the story Pete the Sweet Mouse with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. 

How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!


Message about Mischievous Behavior

Book Topics

  • Stealing
  • Sneaky Behavior
  • Difference between Naughty and Nice

Free Downloads

Compare Books

Try comparing the story Peter the Skier with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. 

How are they different and how are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!


Message about Having A Positive Outlook

Book Topics

  • How Our Attitudes Effect Us
  • What Causes a Bad Attitude
  • How to Handle Being Disappointed
  • Being Embarrassed
  • Learning How To Think Positive
  • Being Discouraged
  • Using A Positive Attitude And Encouraging Words

Free Downloads

Compare Books

Try comparing the story Porter the Longboarder with other Sculptlings Books, such as Joe the Snowboarder and compare the 2 messages. Try comparing the characters and their lessons. How are they different? 

How are they the same?


For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Porter the Longboarder

Message about The Value of Camaraderie and Learning To Surf

Book Topics

  • How to Handle Being knocked down
  • Being Persistent
  • Having Determination
  • Being Discouraged
  • Learning How To Take Advice
  • Sharing Your Experience and Learning From Others

Free Downloads

Compare Books

Try comparing the story Robby the Naughty Mouse with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. 

Try comparing the characters and their lessons. How are they different? How are they the same?


For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Robby the Naughty Mouse

Message about How To Control Tempers and To Use Self-Control

Book Topics

  • How to Handle Bullies
  • Controlling Tempers
  • Learning to Use Self-Control

Free Downloads

Compare Books

Try comparing the story Roger the Construction Worker with other Sculptlings Books, such as Byron the Fireman and compare the 2 messages. Try comparing the characters and their lessons. How are they different? How are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Roger the construction worker 

Message about About Teamwork and Working Together

Book Topics

  • Importance of Working Together
  • Getting Along With Others
  • Importance of Sharing
  • Treating Others with Respect
  • Being a Good Leader

Free Downloads

Compare Books

Try comparing the story Sam the Policeman with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. Try comparing the characters and their lessons. How are they different? How are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Sam the Policeman

Message about Being a Police Officer, Setting a Good Example and Being a Good Role Model

Book Topics

  • Being a Good Role Model
  • Setting a Good Example
  • Fighting Crime
  • Doing Good Deeds

Free Downloads

Compare Books

Try comparing the story Scotty the Salty Sea Turtle with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. Try comparing the characters and their lessons. How are they different? How are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Scotty The Salty Sea Turtle

Message about Respecting Your Environment and Taking Safety Measures

Book Topics

  • Taking Safety Precautions
  • Respecting The Ocean and The Environment
  • The Importance of the

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Compare Books

Try comparing the story Sherry the Chef with other Sculptlings Books, such as Freddy the Fruity Mouse and compare the 2 messages. Try comparing the characters. What do they have in common? What are their differences?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Sherry the Pastry Chef

Message about Staying Positive

Book Topics

  • Cooking Etiquette
  • Importance of Cleaning
  • Time Management
  • Quality over Quantity


Free Downloads

Compare Books

Try comparing the story Shawn The Shortboarder with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. Try comparing the characters and their lessons. How are they different? How are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Shawn the shortboarder

Message about Staying Positive

Book Topics

  • Quotes on Thinking Positive
  • Uses Surfing Metaphors to Describe Life’s Challenges 
  • “Surfing Through Life”
  • How to Handle a “Wave” of Stressful Circumstances
  • Overcoming Everyday Anxiety and Stressful Situations with a Positive Mind Set

For Kids in 3rd Grade and Up who are starting to learn and understand metaphors.

Free Downloads

Compare Books

Try comparing the story Slater the Skater with other Sculptlings Books, and compare the 2 messages. Try comparing the characters and their lessons. How are they different? How are they the same?

For more ideas how to discuss this book with your child, Download the Free PDF Discussion Page!

Slater the Skater

Message about How we Influence Others

Book Topics

  • Why It Is Important To Make Good Decisions
  • The Importance Of Thinking Before you Act
  • Why Being A Good Role Model is Important
  • How Out Decisions Can Affect Others

Free Downloads

These Activity Pages for Kids are a good resource to use while discussing these important topics. The books provide informative messages with a positive outlook while discussing these matters. You can also purchase puzzles and other activities on the shop page for your child to do.


Watch for more Activity Pages for Kids coming soon!